* BBCode Buttons Description *

Font Color: Test Image
Change the font color you want.

Bold: Test Image
Bold any text. You must select / highlight the text before pressing this button.

Italic: Test Image
Italic any text. You must select / highlight the text before pressing this button.

Underline: Test Image
Underline any text. You must select / highlight the text before pressing this button.

Strike Through: Test Image
Strike through any text. You must select / highlight the text before pressing this button.

Superscript: Test Image
This code allows you to convert a text to symbols. For an example: " 3rd of July " select / highlight the " rd " and press this button.

Subscript: Test Image
This code allows you to convert a text to symbols. For an example: " 102 " select / highlight the " 2 " and press this button. This mostly use for maths.

Remove Formatting: Test Image
This button allows your to remove the formats that you've done. For an example: You did " underline / bold / italic " select / highlight you want and press this button.

Justify Left: Test Image
Justify any text / image to left. By default it's already on left.

Justify Center: Test Image
Justify any text / image to center.


Justify Right: Test Image
Justify any text / image to right.


Justify Full: Test Image
Justify any text / image to full.

Table: Test Image

List: Test Image
Create a list. Press enter on the list to create new line with " ● " bullets / " i " symbols / " 1,2,3 " numbers.

Horizontal Rule: Test Image
This button creates a full justify line.

Link: Test Image
Creates a link with alias. Name anything you want and insert the URL.

Email: Test Image
Creates a email with alias. Name anything you want and insert the email.

Insert Image: Test Image
Insert an image. You can also put an alias for this.

Insert Video: Test Image
Insert a video. You can also choose what size you want.

Insert User Link: Test Image
Insert user name in a post with link. Type out their display name in proboards.

Insert Code: Test Image
Allows you to open BBCode box for BBCode format. (USE THIS ONLY IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT)

Insert Quote: Test Image
Allows you to open Quote box for normal text. You can type things inside.

Smiles: Test Image
Insert a smiles.